Last Hope (重神機パンドーラ Jūshinki Pandōra) is a Japanese-Chinese anime produced and animated by Satelight and Xiamen Skyloong Media. It was created and directed by Shōji Kawamori with Hidekazu Sato and written by Toshizo Nemoto. It premiered on Netflix for Japan on March 29, 2018 and September 14 of the same year worldwide.
On the day the Xianglong (Shanron or Soaring Dragon) Crisis occurred in 2031, Leon Lau was right in the middle of the unfolding events. The Quantum Reactor, a next generation energy device developed to replace dwindling environmental resources, exploded and unleashed an unknown energy. As a result, the global environment changed overnight. Living things (besides humans) and machines each underwent their own unique evolution, and the B.R.A.I. (Biological Revolutionary of Accelerated Intelligence) entities in particular evolved and came into being. Because of them, humanity was driven to the brink of extinction. Humans fight the B.R.A.I with M.O.E.V. (Multi-purpose Organic Evolution Vehicle) variable units.