Keijo!!!!!!!! is a 2016 anime series based on the sports manga series of the same name written and illustrated by Daichi Sorayomi. It follows a gymnast becoming the richest player in the fictional women-only sport, where players can use only breasts and buttocks to defeat opponents or send them into the water. It aired in Japan between October 6 to December 22, 2016, consisting of 12 episodes.
"Keijo" is a popular gambling sport where contestants stand on platforms floating on the water and must use their butts and chests to fight against each other to push each other off the platform. Nozomi Kaminashi, a high school student, aims to join the sport after she graduates. Nozomi was raised in a poor family and hopes to make lots of money by playing Keijo. She grew up training in gymnastics, and she has good balance and flexibility. After high school, Nozomi joins a training boarding school and enters the world of Keijo.