Joe vs. Joe is a Japanese animated OVA (original video animation) consisting of six episodes. The show was produced by the studio Museum. It was released direct-to-video from May 25, 2003 to September 25, 2003 with six episodes.
Character | Seiyū | Dub Actor |
Joe Akamine | Daisuke Iwao | Dan Green |
Joe Yuuki | Koji Yusa | Michael Sinterniklaas |
Ryuichi Suzuki | Takamasa Suzuki | Tom Wayland |
Maki Takakura | Shizu Ishikawa | Erica Schroeder |
George Takizawa | ¿? | Mike Pollock |
Mr. Matsuda | ¿? | Marc Thompson |
Setsuko | Reiko Kiuchi | Veronica Taylor |
Yu | Megumi Kobayashi | Kether Donohue |
Iwamoto | ¿? | Bill Rogers |
Additional Voices[]
- Nicholas DiMichele
- Wayne Grayson
- Neil Levine
- Brian O'Halloran
- Michelle Moreheard
- Mike Pollock
- Bill Rogers
- Melissa Schoenberg
- Veronica Taylor
- Marc Thompson
- Tom Wayland
External Links[]
- Joe vs. Joe (anime) at Anime News Network's encyclopedia
- Joe vs Joe. at the Internet Movie Database.