Hyperdimension Neptunia (超次元ゲイム ネプテューヌ The Animation) an anime based on the video game Hyperdimension Neptunia. It was produced by David Production of Japan and directed by Masahiro Mukai. The series consists of 13 episodes and aired on Tokyo MX between July 12, 2013 and September 27, 2013 with an additional episode released on March 26, 2014. The series was released in North America on Blu-Ray and DVD by FUNimation Entertainment on June 9, 2015.
Additional Voices[]
- Bryn Apprill
- Haley Esposito
- Michelle Lee
- Mikaela Krantz
- Kristen McGuire
- Alex Moore
- Kate Oxley
- Tabitha Ray
- Whitney Rodgers
- Michelle Rojas
- Lindsay Seidel
- Krishna Smitha
- Kristin Sutton
- J. Michael Tatum
- Sarah Wiedenheft
- While the English dub cast for the games return for the anime, some of the voice actors were nonetheless changed:
- IF is voiced by Megan Shipman instead of Kate Higgins.
- Peashy is voiced by Tia Ballard instead of Sandy Fox.
- 5pb. is voiced by Caitlin Glass instead of either Julie Ann Taylor (mk2 onwards) or Mela Lee (first game).
- Rei is voiced by Morgan Garrett instead of Julie Anne Taylor.
- CFW Trick is voiced by Jessie James Grelle instead of Derek Stephen Prince.
- Underling is voiced by Morgan Berry instead of an unknown English voice actor.
- Warechu is voiced by Sara Ragsdale instead of G.K. Bowes.
Video Releases[]
Distributor | Year | Format | Content | Region | Country | |
FUNimation Entertainment | 2015 | + |
The Complete Series | 1 NTSC A DVB-T |
United States | |
4 Discs |
External Links[]
- Hyperdimension Neptunia (anime) at Anime News Network's encyclopedia
- Hyperdimension Neptunia at the Internet Movie Database