Heroines Run the Show: The Unpopular Girl and the Secret Task is an anime television series produced by Lay-duce. It is based on the song "Heroine Tarumono!", which is part of the Kokuhaku Jikkō Iinkai: Ren'ai Series Vocaloid song project by HoneyWorks. The series aired from April to June 2022.
Hiyori Suzumi is a high school girl who becomes a manager-in-training for the high school idol unit LIP×LIP. Hiyori left her hometown to pursue her passion, track and field, by enrolling in Tokyo's Sakuragaoka High School. Looking for a part-time job in Tokyo, she ended up working as an apprentice manager for her classmates (and LIP×LIP members) Yūjirō Someya and Aizō Shibasaki.