Hergé's Adventures of Tintin (Les Aventures de Tintin, d'après Hergé) is the first animated television series based on Hergé's popular comic book series, The Adventures of Tintin. The series was produced by Belvision Studios and first aired in 1957. After two books were adapted in black and white, eight books were then adapted in colour, each serialised into a set of five-minute episodes, with 103 episodes produced (12 in black-and-white and 91 in colour). The series aired on Channel 4 and BBC in the UK in 1962 and in syndication in the United States from 1963 to 1971.
Two English dubs have been produced, one in the United States and another in the UK, the American one uses multiple actors while the British one only uses one voicing all of the characters unlike the original French version, similar to The Magic Roundabout.