Gravitation (グラビテーション Gurabitēshon) is a 13-episode anime series based on the manga series of the same name by Maki Murakami. The series aired in Japan from October 4, 2000 to January 10, 2001. The story follows the attempts of Shuichi Shindo and his band, Bad Luck, to become Japan's next musical sensation, and his struggles to capture Eiri Yuki's heart.
Image | Character | Seiyū | Dub Actor |
Main Characters | |||
Shuichi Shindo | Tomokazu Seki | Rich McNanna | |
Eiri Yuki | Kazuhiko Inoue | Rome Elliot | |
Tohma Seguchi | Ai Orikasa | Bill Rogers | |
Supporting Characters | |||
Hiroshi Nakano | Yasunori Matsumoto | Daniel Kevin Harrison | |
Suguru Fujisaki | Fujiko Takimoto | Luke Novak | |
Ryuichi Sakuma | Kappei Yamaguchi | Kenneth Miller | |
Noriko Ukai | Yuri Amano | Megan Hollingshead | |
Claude "K" Winchester | Ryōtarō Okiayu | Brian Maillard | |
Mr. Sakano | Takehito Koyasu | Bill Timoney | |
Mika Seguchi | Hiromi Tsuru | Debora Rabbai | |
Tatsuha Uesugi | Hideo Ishikawa | Jason Griffith | |
Ayaka Usami | Rie Tanaka | Rachael Lillis | |
Taki Aizawa | Shinichirō Miki | Tim Breese | |
Yuki Kitazawa | Hisayoshi Izaki | ¿? |
Additional Voices[]
- Dan Bello
- Jessica Calvello
- John Carey
- Joe DiGiorgi
- Amanda Goodman
- Jason Griffith
- Samson Grove
- Carol Jacobanis
- Rachael Lillis
- Jessica Luseth
- Kevin Lynch
- Brian Maillard
- Emily Mark
- Michael Perreca
- Kelly Ray
- Georgette Reilly
- Bill Rogers
- Jon Rosenbaum
- Bob Timoney
- Greg Wolfe
Video Releases[]
See Also[]
External Links[]
- Gravitation (anime) at Anime News Network's encyclopedia
- Gravitation at the Internet Movie Database