Gon (ゴン) is a CGI anime series, co-produced by Kodansha and Korean publisher Daewon Media, based off the Japanese manga series created by Masashi Tanaka. It originally aired in Japan from April 2, 2012 to March 25, 2013.
Character | Seiyū | Dub Actor |
Gon | Motoko Kumai | Eun-Kyung Song* |
Uru | Hidenari Ugaki | Terrence Scammell |
Reed | Takeshi Tomizawa | Marcel Jeannin |
Metakei | Kentarō Itō | Arthur Holden |
Choro | Yūji Mitsuya | Rick Jones |
Chief Squirrel | Mitsuo Senda | Richard Dumont |
Suuku | Rikako Yamaguchi | Eleanor Noble |
Alpo | Momoko Ohara | Arthur Holden |
Dande | Yoshiyuki Shimozuma | Terrence Scammell |
Doodie | Naru Kawamoto | Mark Camacho |
Kumarin | Saki Fujita | Holly Gauthier-Frankel |
Jack | Takeshi Kusao | Richard Dumont |
Yan | Hiro Shimono | Daniel Brochu |
Kitsu | Jennifer Seguin | |
Ollie | Mariko Munakata | Susan Glover |
Penny | Saki Fujita | Sarah Camacho |
Adeni | Shinobu Matsumoto | Michael Rudder |
Dunpa | Susumu Akagi | Michel Perron |
*reused audio from the Korean dub
Additional Voices[]
- Maria Bircher
- Wyatt Bowen
- Lucinda Davis
- Dawn Ford
- Simon Peacock
Date(s) | Channel | Country | |
2016-2017 | Boomerang | Australia | |
2016-2017 | Cartoon Network | The Philippines | |
2016-2017 | Okto | Singapore |
- The English dub theme lyrics uses the term “minstrel show” which is commonly associated with derogatory depictions of African Americans.