Smile Pretty Cure! (スマイルプリキュア! (Sumairu Purikyua!), adapted in the United States by Saban Brands as Glitter Force, is a magical girl anime based on the Pretty Cure franchise by Toei Animation, and is the ninth series in the original franchise. The series originally aired in Japan on TV Asahi and ABC between February 5, 2012 and January 27, 2013. The series was adapted and distributed in the United States and several other countries by Saban Brands.
The series follows five student girls who meet a fairy from Jubiland, who instils them with incredible powers with the Glitter Pact and its gems to stop villains from fairy tales.
Five preteen girls learn they're a legendary superhero squad known as the Glitter Force. Their mission? To defend Earth from evil fairy-tale villains.
Saban's dub has been heavily criticized for re-using dub editing conventions that have since gone out of regular use by modern distributors such as Americanizing character names, renaming the series, replacing music, editing out objectionable content and removing episodes.
Episodes 10, 17, 19, 26, 27, 33, 34, and 36 were the episodes excised from the dub.
In 2018, the Glitter Force rights were transferred from Saban to Hasbro.