Dubbing Wikia

GigaBlaster is a Brazilian animated television series, produced by Copa Studio, Estricnina Desenhos Animados and Gloob.

GigaBlaster centers around Giga, a blue rhino, his human brothers Rubi and Ziggy, and their father Papai Maneiro, a zombie who owns a karaoke club in the city of Caçapa do Canto. Along with his brothers, Giga goes on bizzare adventures in the city, and practicing in order to become the karaoke king by beating the Headless Japanese's record.


Character Original Actor Dub Actor
Giga Ítalo Luiz Renzo Magnaye
Rubi Mariana Zink Andrea Belo
Ziggy Luisa Caspary
Cool Daddy Alfredo Rollo RJ Celdran
Pigeon ??
Roach ?? Joey Ramos