Freezing (フリージング) is an anime based on the manga series by Japanese-Korean Dall-Young Lim and illustrated by Kwang-Hyun Kim. It was produced by A.C.G.T and aired on AT-X between January 8, 2011 and April 2, 2011. The anime is licensed in North America by FUNimation Entertainment for simulcasting on their video portal, FUNimation later gained additional licensing rights to the series, and released the series on August 28, 2012 on DVD and Blu-ray.
The opening theme for the series is "Color" by MARiA, a cover of a song from Hatsune Miku, while the ending theme is "To Protect You" (君を守りたい) by Aika Kobayashi.
Image | Character | Seiyū | Dub Actor | |
Main Characters | ||||
Satellizer el Bridget | Mamiko Noto | Caitlin Glass | ||
Kazuya Aoi | Mitsuhiro Ichiki | Josh Grelle | ||
Ticy Phenyl | Aya Uchida | Abigail Hartman | ||
Leo Bernard | Kazuyoshi Shibashi | Alexander Moran | ||
Kaho Hiiragi | Rumi Okubo | Alexis Tipton | ||
Ingrid Bernstein | Ami Koshimizu | Brittney Karbowski | ||
Yumi Kim | Akeno Watanabe | Carmen Smith | ||
Chiffon Fairchild | Marina Inoue | Ceelee Rose | ||
Sister Margaret | Rieko Takahashi | Dusty Jacks | ||
Arnett McMillan | Yu Asakawa | Jad Saxton | ||
Rana Linchen | Kana Hanazawa | Jamie Marchi | ||
Elise Schmitz | Fumie Mizusawa | Kelly McHalen | ||
Creo Brand | Izumi Kitta | Liza Gonzales | ||
Ganessa Roland | Eri Kitamura | Luci Christian | ||
Attia Simmons | Kana Ueda | Monica Rial | ||
Arthur Clipton | Nobuhiko Okamoto | Patrick W. Reid |
Episodic Characters[]
- Abigail Hartman - Elizabeth Mably
- Barnaby Lewis - Morrison (ep11)
- Catherine DuBord - Kazuha Aoi
- Christopher Curtis - Abel (ep12)
- Drew Wall - Goro (ep11)
- Keith Kubal - Andrei Francoise
- Kent Williams - Patriarch
- Kristi Kang - Cathy Lockharte
- Kyle Phillips - Mark
- Lara Woodhull - Young Luis el Bridget (ep7)
- Leah Clark - Miyabi Kannazuki, Young Kazuya Aoi
- Linda Leonard - Noel Alon-Grache
- Lindsay Seidel - Violet el Bridget (ep7)
- Lydia Mackay - Milena Marius
- Martha Harms - Audrey Duvall
- Mary Morgan - Yi Soo-Na (ep12)
- Nancy Sherrard - Olivia el Bridget (ep7)
- R. Bruce Elliott - Gengo Aoi (ep12)
- Ryan Reynolds - Teenage Luis el Bridget (ep7)
- Scott Freeman - Kyoichi Minase (ep9)
- Shelley Osterberger - Marin Maxwell (ep3)
- Staci Moon - Aika Takeuchi
- Trina Nishimura - Tris McKenzie
- Z Charles Bolton - Yujin
Additional Voices[]
- Alexander Moran
- Amanda Michaels
- Anthony Bowling
- Arynetta Floyzelle
- Becca Shivers
- Ben Bryant
- Bill Jenkins
- Brittney Karbowski
- Catherine DuBord
- Christopher Curtis
- Corey Cleary-Stoner
- Cynthia Cranz
- Didi Duron
- Drew Wall
- Elizabeth Evans
- Greg Dulcie
- Hilary Couch
- Jād Saxton
- Jamie Marchi
- Jessica Cavanagh
- Joel McDonald
- Kate Oxley
- Keith Kubal
- Kevin Leasure
- Kristi Kang
- Kyle Phillips
- Lara Woodhull
- Liza Gonzales
- Lydia Mackay
- Mark Stoddard
- Martha Harms
- Mary Morgan
- Matt Thurston
- Michael Federico
- Monica Rial
- Morgan Garrett
- Sean Michael Teague
- Staci Moon
- Terri Doty