Dubbing Wikia

Freddy Frogface (Orla Frøsnapper) is a Danish kids animated Film from 2011, it is based on the book Orla Frøsnapper by Ole Lund Kirkegaard, it is the first in a trilogy of films, with the next two films being Jelly T (AKA Ivan the Incredible) and Otto is a Rhino (AKA Otto the Rhino).


A young boy named Victor wants to join a traveling circus with his friends. For such purpose, he regularly trains his dog Sausage to do various tricks. However, the town bully named Freddy is out for revenge after Victor makes him the laughing stock of the town after swallowing a frog, thus earning Freddy the nickname, "Freddy Frogface".

Dubbing History[]

The film was originally dubbed in Denmark by Nordisk Film Audio for Entertainment Film Distributor in the UK, and was later licensed by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and Phase 4 Films for release in the United States and Canada.


Image Character Original Actor Dub Actor
Victor1 Victor Thure Lindhardt Gregg Chillin
Freddy lying down Freddy Nikolaj Lie Kaas Bruce Mackinnon
Jacob Jacob (Jakob) Nicolaj Kopernikus Jim North
Mr-svensson-freddy-frogface-0.15 Mr. Svensson
Clare Claire (Clara) Katrine Falkenberg
Little-louis-freddy-frogface-37.8 Little Louis
Bardini Bardini David Bateson
Canon king Canon King


External Links[]
