Final Fantasy: Unlimited (FF:U) is an anime television series based on Square Enix's popular Final Fantasy role-playing video game franchise. The TV series was produced by It incorporates both 2D animation and 3D graphics, and takes elements from the Final Fantasy games. It was licensed for North America and the United Kingdom by ADV Films were released on DVD. FF:U was directed by Mahiro Maeda of GONZO, produced by TV Tokyo's Keisuke Iwata, and Square Enix's Kensuke Tanaka. Square Enix game designer Akitoshi Kawazu served as base concept planning and was intended to be the director for the planned video game series.
Due to a combination of low ratings and the financial failure of Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within, the anime series' planned 52-episode run was cut to 25, leaving the story unfinished. The continuation of the story has been released in a variety of other media including printed and web novel series, manga, radio dramas, and video games.
Character | Seiyu | Dub Actor |
Ai Hayakawa (アイ・ハヤカワ) | Halko Momoi | Jessica Schwartz |
Yu Hayakawa (ユウ・ハヤカワ) | Yuka Imai | Evan Slack |
Lisa Pacifist (リサ・パツィフィースト) | Kyoko Hikami | Shawn Sides |
Kaze (風, lit. Wind) | Nobutoshi Canna | James Brownlee |
Chobi (チョビ) | Akiko Yajima | Samantha Inoue-Harte |
Cactuar | Etsuko Kozakura | |
Chocobo | Suwon Rin | |
Crux (クルクス) | Kikuko Inoue | |
Fabula (ファーブラ) | Claire Hamilton | |
Oscha (オスカー) | Kōji Ishii | Brian Jepson |
Moogle Kupo | Tomoe Hanba | Bill Wise |
Cid (シド) | Toshihiko Seki | Robert Newell |
Fungus (フングス) | Daisuke Gōri | Grant James |
Kumo (雲, lit.Cloud) | Akira Ishida | J. Shannon Weaver |
Madoushi (魔道士) | Hideyuki Tanaka | David Stokey |
Pist (ピスト) | Takehito Koyasu | Edwin Neal |