Excel Saga (へっぽこ実験アニメーション エクセル・サーガ) is an anime based on the manga series written and illustrated by Rikdo Koshi. It was adapted by Victor Entertainment, directed by Shinichi Watanabe and animated J.C.Staff. The series aired between October 7, 1999 and March 30, 2000 on TV Tokyo, consisting of 26 episodes.
Hyperactive Excel does anything and everything to try to please her lord, Il Palazzo, who wants to take over the planet. Excel's misadventures takes her and her partner, the ever-dying Hyatt, all over the world, meeting several strange people as they go. Everything is bizarre and goofy, as any kind of anime or entertainment genre gets mocked and spoofed.
During the production of Volume 4, Jessica Calvello damaged her vocal chords while dubbing the series, necessitating her replacement by Larissa Wolcott starting with Episode 14.