Eureka Seven Ao (Eureka Seven Astral Ocean) is a mecha anime created by Bones which aired in Japan from April 13, 2012 to November 20, 2012. It's the sequel to the Eureka Seven anime. It was directed by Tomoki Kyoda, who also directed the first series.
The English adaption of the series is licensed by FUNimation Entertainment and they released the English version of the series on Blu-ray and DVD on October 15, 2013.
Main Cast[]
Character | Seiyū | Dub Actor |
Gazelle | Takuya Kirimoto | Brandon Potter |
Elena Peoples | Chiaki Omigawa | Jad Saxton |
Rebecka Halström | Chie Nakamura | Jamie Marchi |
Ivica Tanović | Tetsuo Gotō | John Swasey |
Naru Arata | Kanako Miyamoto | Lindsay Seidel |
Ao Fukai | Yūtarō Honjō | Micah Solusod |
Noah | Nao Tōyama | Monica Rial |
Fleur Blanc | Ayaka Ōhashi | Sainty Reid |
Secondary Cast[]
- Andrew T. Chandler - Tanaka
- Anthony Bowling - Han
- Chuck Huber - Christophe Blanc
- Duncan Brannan - Nakamura
- Johnny Yong Bosch - Renton Thurston
- Kent Williams - Stanley Fry
- Matt Thurston - Pippo
- R. Bruce Elliott - Toshio Fukai
- Stephanie Sheh - Eureka
- Todd Haberkorn - "Truth"
- Tyson Rinehart - Georg
Minor Cast[]
- Aaron Roberts - Tetsuo
- Alex Organ - JJ
- Alison Viktorin - Liu Ing
- Brian Mathis - Teruhiko Niigaki
- Charlie Campbell - Alexander Boyd
- Chris Smith - Yamaoka
- Corey Cleary-Stoner - Rajkumar Nair
- David Wald - Bruno Hans
- Emerick Jade - Miyu Arata
- Felecia Angelle - Chloe McCaffery
- Ian Sinclair - Ani-Bone MS (ep. 17)
- J. Michael Tatum - Barry (ep. 10)
- Jad Saxton - Miller
- Jarrod Greene - Masumi
- Jason Liebrecht - Soga
- Joel McDonald - Maruyama
- Juli Erickson - Grandma
- Kristi Kang - Maeve McCaffery
- Lydia Mackay - Hannah Bester
- Mark Stoddard - Kazuyuki Kaneshiro
- Morgan Garrett - Maggie Kwan
- Phil Parsons - Mitsuo Arata
- Robert McCollum - Endo (ep. 13)
- Trina Nishimura - Lerato Food
Additional Voices[]
- Aaron Dismuke
- Aaron Roberts
- Akron Watson
- Alex Organ
- Alexis Tipton
- Anastasia Muñoz
- Andrew Love
- Austin Tindle
- Ben Phillips
- Bill Jenkins
- Brad Hawkins
- Brina Palencia
- Chris Cason
- Chris Rager
- Christopher Bevins
- Christopher Sabat - Secretary of State
- Clifford Chapin
- Cole Brown - President (ep. 6)
- Colleen Clinkenbeard - Beautiful Woman (ep. 6)
- Cris George
- Curtis Shaw
- David Trosko
- David Wilson-Brown
- Doug Goodrich
- Drew Wall
- Erik Archilla
- Greg Dulcie
- Ian Sinclair
- J. Michael Tatum
- Jarrod Greene
- Jeremy Inman
- John Burgmeier
- Josh Grelle
- Justin Pate
- Kate Oxley
- Kenneth Thompson
- Kim Borge
- Kyle Phillips
- Martha Harms
- Melinda Wood Allen
- Mike McFarland
- Patric Carroll
- Patrick Camacho
- Patrick Seitz
- Randy Pearlman
- Ricco Fajardo
- Scott Freeman
- Sean O'Connor
- Seth Magill
- Shelley Calene-Black
- Thiago Martins
- Whitney Rodgers - Lidea Stapleton (ep. 12)
- William Bondurant
- Z. Charles Bolton