Dubbing Wikia

Eureka Seven Ao (Eureka Seven Astral Ocean) is a mecha anime created by Bones which aired in Japan from April 13, 2012 to November 20, 2012. It's the sequel to the Eureka Seven anime. It was directed by Tomoki Kyoda, who also directed the first series.

The English adaption of the series is licensed by FUNimation Entertainment and they released the English version of the series on Blu-ray and DVD on October 15, 2013.


Main Cast[]

Character Seiyū Dub Actor
Gazelle Takuya Kirimoto Brandon Potter
Elena Peoples Chiaki Omigawa Jad Saxton
Rebecka Halström Chie Nakamura Jamie Marchi
Ivica Tanović Tetsuo Gotō John Swasey
Naru Arata Kanako Miyamoto Lindsay Seidel
Ao Fukai Yūtarō Honjō Micah Solusod
Noah Nao Tōyama Monica Rial
Fleur Blanc Ayaka Ōhashi Sainty Reid

Secondary Cast[]

Minor Cast[]

Additional Voices[]
