Estab Life: Great Escape is a 2022 original anime series created by Gorō Taniguchi.
It was directed by Hiroyuki Hashimoto, animated by Polygon Pictures. It aired in Japan between April 7, 2022 to June 23, 2022, consisting of 12 episodes. Crunchyroll licensed and produced an English Dub of the series, which premiered on their streaming service on April 20, 2022[1][2].
The world population has begun to shrink after reaching its peak. The "Supernatural Renovation Project" splits Tokyo with towering walls into several Cluster neighborhoods, each with its own unique genetically modified populations, governed by artificial intelligence. Most people live their lives in their own unique Clusters, blissfully unconcerned with life beyond. However, there are some who seek to escape to the other Clusters. An outfit called Nigashiya helps those who wish to escape.