Ergo Proxy (エルゴプラクシー Erugo Purakushī) is a science fiction anime television series, produced by Manglobe, which premiered across Japan on February 25, 2006 on the WOWOW satellite network. It is directed by Shukō Murase, with screenplay by Dai Satō. The series was released in North America on DVD by Geneon Entertainment Inc. between November 21, 2006 and September 25, 2007.
The world has become largely uninhabitable over the course of time and now what remains of humanity exists inside large dome-like cities. When androds known as AutoReivs begin committing crimes and displaying a semblance of freewill Re-L Mayer begins investigating the cause. This takes her on an adventure that encourages her to ask deep philosophical questions about herself, her companions Vincent and Pino, as well as the world they live in.