Endro! is a 2019 original anime series produced by Studio Gokumi. It was directed by Kaori, produced by Egg Firm, written by Takashi Aoshima, composed by Yoshiaki Fujisawa, and the series aired in Japan from January 12, 2019 to March 30, 2019, consisting of 12 episodes.
Funimation licensed and produced an English SimulDub of the series, which premiered on their streaming service on February 2, 2019[1][2].
Image | Character | Seiyū | Dub Actor |
Yuusha / Yulia Chardiet |
Hikaru Akao | Amanda Lee | |
Seira / Ellenoar Seiran |
Shiina Natsukawa | Alexis Tipton | |
Fai / Fai Fai |
Ari Ozawa | Dani Chambers | |
Mei / Mather Enderstto |
Inori Minase | Trina Nishimura | |
Mao / Demon Lord |
Misaki Kuno (Mao) |
Alison Viktorin (Mao) | |
Tesshō Genda (Demon Lord) |
Ray Hurd (Demon Lord) | ||
Princess Rona / Rona Pricipa O'Lapanesta |
Momo Asakura | Amber Lee Connors | |
Chibi Dragon | Asuka Nishi | Lindsay Seidel | |
Female Knight | Atsumi Tanezaki | Morgan Berry | |
Meigo / Maid Golem |
Satomi Satō |
Episodic Characters[]
Image | Character | Seiyū | Dub Actor | Ep(s). |
Old Teacher | Chō | Bill Jenkins | 1 | |
Fairy | Ayaka Asai | Emily Neves | ||
Monk | Aoi Ichikawa | Blake McNamara | ||
Troubador | Taito Ban | Ian Sinclair | ||
Woman | Naoko Komatsu | Hayden Daviau | 2 | |
Receptionist | Akinori Egoshi | Aaron Roberts | 3 | |
Towerman | Kento Shiraishi | Lee George | ||
Girl | Miho Okasaki | Bryn Apprill | ||
Red Spider | Yūya Murakami | |||
Mackerelman | Kōsuke Toriumi | Jerry Jewell | 4 | |
Mackerelman 2 | Hiromichi Tezuka | Shawn Gann | ||
Mackerelmaid | Sachiko Kojima | |||
Desuyochan A | Takahiro Yamaguchi | Alex Mai | ||
Desuyochan B | Hiroki Maeda | Orion Pitts | ||
Evil God | Shinpachi Tsuji | Cris George | ||
Fairy | Ayaka Asai | Emily Neves | 5 | |
Beastman | Mari Hino | Brittney Karbowski | ||
Hunter | Genki Muro | Christopher Llewyn Ramirez | ||
King | Kenyū Horiuchi | |||
Soldier | Junichi Yanagita | Daman Mills | ||
Seira's Knight | Takeo Ōtsuka | |||
Troubador | Taito Ban | Ian Sinclair |
Additional Voices[]
Transmission via Streaming[]
Company | Date(s) | Category | Format | Content | Country | |
February 2, 2019 | Anime | Digital | 12 Eps. | United States |
Video Releases[]
Distributor | Year | Format | Contents | Region | Country | |
2020 | The Complete Series | A DVB-T |
United States | |||
2 Discs |