Dual! Parallel Trouble Adventure (デュアル! ぱられルンルン物語, Dual! Parallel Lun-Lun Monogatari) is a thirteen episode anime series that was produced by AIC and created by Masaki Kashijima and aired in Japan from April 8, 1999 to July 1, 1999. Geneon Entertainment originally licensed and distributed the anime in North America which is later passed by Discotek Media who will be releasing the series along with the special on Blu-ray on 2024.
Character | Seiyū | Dub Actor |
Kazuki Yotsuga | Takayuki Yamaguchi | Joshua Seth |
Mitsuki Sanada | Rie Tanaka | Michelle Ruff |
D | Ai Uchikawa | Sherry Lynn |
Yayoi Schwael | Chie Nakamura | Carolyn Hennesy |
Mitsuki Rara | Megumi Toyoguchi | Wendee Lee |
Ken Sanada | Ryūsuke Ōbayashi | Kirk Thornton |
Akane Yamano | Yūko Kobayashi | Barbara Goodson |
Reika Najoin | Masako Nozawa | Melanie MacQueen |
Hiroshi Rara | Kenichi Ogata | Peter Spellos |
Ayuko Rara | Mika Doi | Elisa Gabrielli |
Alice Shalom | Ryōka Yuzuki | Lenore Zann |
Kaoru Hayase | Nao Takamori | Riva Spier |
Naoya Shiozaki | Kōichi Nagano | Skip Stellrecht |
Additional Voices[]
Date(s) | Channel | Country | |
2003 | United States |
Video Releases[]
External Links[]
- Dual! Parallel Trouble Adventure at the Internet Movie Database.
- Dual! Parallel Trouble Adventure (anime) on the Anime News Network's encyclopedia.
- Dual! Parallel Trouble Adventure on Behind The Voice Actors.