Digimon Rumble Arena 2, known as Digimon Battle Chronicle in Japan, is a 2004 Digimon fighting video game, released by Bandai for the PlayStation 2, GameCube, and the Xbox. It is the sequel to 2001's Digimon Rumble Arena and has a similar style of gameplay as Super Smash Bros. Melee, except with a health meter.
Character | Original Name | Seiyū | Dub Actor |
Agumon | Chika Sakamoto | Tom Fahn | |
Greymon | Michael Lindsay | ||
WarGreymon | Lex Lang | ||
BlackAgumon | ¿? | ||
BlackGreymon | |||
BlackWarGreymon | Steve Blum | ||
Gabumon | Mayumi Yamaguchi | Kirk Thornton | |
Garurumon | |||
MetalGarurumon | |||
BlackGabumon | ¿? | ||
BlackGarurumon | |||
BlackMetalGarurumon | |||
Veemon | Junko Noda | R. Martin Klein | |
ImperialDramon | Junko Noda Naozumi Takahashi |
R. Martin Klein Paul St. Peter | |
ImperialDramon Fighter Mode | |||
Guilmon | Masako Nozawa | Steve Blum | |
Growlmon | Growmon | ||
Gallantmon | Dukemon | ¿Brian Beacock? | |
BlackGuilmon | ¿? | ||
BlackGrowlmon | BlackGrowmon | ||
ChaosGallantmon | ChaosDukemon | ||
Biyomon | Piyomon | Atori Shigematsu | Tifanie Christun |
Birdramon | Melodee Spevack | ||
Garudamon | |||
Tentomon | Takahiro Sakurai | Jeff Nimoy | |
Kabuterimon | |||
MegaKabuterimon | AtlurKabuterimon | ||
Palmon | Shihomi Mizowaki | ¿Wendee Lee? | |
Togemon | Mari Devon | ||
Lillymon | Lilimon | Dorothy Elias-Fahn | |
Gomamon | Junko Takeuchi | R. Martin Klein | |
Ikkakumon | |||
Zudomon | Michael Sorich | ||
Flamemon | Flamon | Tom Fahn | |
Agunimon | Agnimon | ||
BurningGreymon | Vritramon | David Lodge | |
Patamon | Miwa Matsumoto | Bridget Hoffman | |
Angemon | Dave Mallow | ||
MagnaAngemon | HolyAngemon | ||
Gatomon | Tailmon | Yuka Tokumitsu | Mary Elizabeth McGlynn |
Nefertimon | |||
Angewomon | Melodee Spevack | ||
Neemon | Masami Kikuchi | Michael Sorich | |
Omnimon | Omegamon | Hideyuki Tanaka | Lex Lang Kirk Thornton |
Diaboromon | Diablomon | Shigeru Chiba | Paul St. Peter |
MaloMyotismon | BelialVamdemon | Toshiyuki Morikawa | |
Duskmon | Kenichi Suzumura | Crispin Freeman | |
Announcer | Dan Lorge |
- Like in previous game, Mary Elizabeth McGlynn replaced Edie Mirman as Gatomon/Nefertimon, possibly due to scheduling conflicts.
- Melodee Spevack also filled in as Angewomon replacing Edie Mirman as well.
- R. Martin Klein replaced Derek Stephen Prince as Veemon/ImperialDramon/ImperialDramon Fighter Mode.
- Tom Fahn replaced Michael Reisz as Flamemon/Agunimon.
- David Lodge also filled in as BurningGreymon replacing Michael Reisz as well.
- Bridget Hoffman filled in as Patamon replacing Laura Summer due the latter's assumed unavailability. Hoffman previously voiced a recurring Patamon from Digimon Frontier.
- Paul St. Peter filled in as MaloMyotismon replacing Richard Epcar.
External Links[]
- Digimon Rumble Arena 2 on the Internet Movie Database