Digimon Frontier: Island of Lost Digimon is a 2002 Japanese animated adventure short film based on the Digimon franchise created by Akiyoshi Hongo, and its fourth series, Digimon Frontier. The short film is directed by Takahiro Imamura, written by Sukehiro Tomita, and produced by Toei Animation. The short film was released in Japan on June 20, 2002, as part of Toei Animation Summer 2002 Animation Fair, featuring alongside Kinnikuman: Muscle Ginseng Competition! The Great Chōjin War and Fierce Fight! Crush Gear Turbo: Kaiserburn's Challenge! films.
In the short film, Takuya and his friends ends up on an island, where a war between humanoid and beastial Digimons erupt.
In the United States, the film aired on Toon Disney in 2005. It has no home video release.
A Hong Kong-produced English dub aired on Disney XD in Southeast Asia in the 2010s.
Character | Seiyu | Studiopolis | Hong Kong |
Takuya Kanbara | Junko Takeuchi | Dave Wittenberg | |
Koji Minamoto | Hiroshi Kamiya | Steve Staley | |
Zoe Ayamoto (Izumi Orimoto) | Sawa Ishige | Michelle Ruff | |
Tommy Hiyomi (Tomoki Himi) | Kumiko Watanabe | Brianne Siddall | |
J.P. Shibayama (Junpei Shibayama) | Masato Amada | Steve Blum | |
Bokomon | Kazuko Sugiyama | Brian Beacock | |
Neemon | Masami Kikuchi | Michael Sorich | |
Bearmon | Akemi Okamura | Wendee Lee | |
Grizzlymon | Kenta Miyake | Peter Spellos | |
Kotemon | Taeko Kawata | Debi Mae West | |
Dinohyumon | Yūji Ueda | Doug Erholtz | |
Darcmon | Takako Uehara | Tara Platt | |
Hippogriffomon | Hikaru Midorikawa | Wally Wingert | |
Murmukusmon | Ken Yamaguchi | Bob Papenbrook |
External Links[]
- Digimon: Revenge of Diaboromon at the Internet Movie Database
- Digimon: Revenge of Diaboromon (anime) at Anime News Network's encyclopedia