Death Note (デスノート, Desu Nōto) is a 2006 Japanese supernatural thriller film based on the manga series of the same title by Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata. It was followed by a sequel, Death Note 2: The Last Name, released in the same year. The films primarily center on a Tokyo college student who attempts to change the world into a utopian society without crime, by committing a world-wide massacre of criminals and people whom he deems morally unworthy of life, through a supernatural notebook that kills anyone whose name is written in the pages, while being hunted down by an elite task-force of law enforcement officers within Tokyo, led by an enigmatic international detective.
The two films were directed by Shūsuke Kaneko, produced by Nippon Television, and distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures Japan. The film was licensed by VIZ Pictures and Warner Bros.
Character | Original Actor | Dub Actor |
Light Yagami | Tatsuya Fujiwara | Brad Swaile |
L | Kenichi Matsuyama | Alessandro Juliani |
Misa Amane | Erika Toda | Shannon Chan-Kent |
Naomi Misora | Asaka Seto | Nicole Oliver |
Ryuk | Shidou Nakamura | Brian Drummond |
Raye Iwamatsu | Shigeki Hosokawa | Michael Adamthwaite |
Watari | Shunji Fujimura | Ron Halder |
Souichirou Yagami | Takeshi Kaga | Chris Britton |
Shiori Akino | Yuu Kashii | Ashleigh Ball |
Sayu Yagami | Hikari Mitsushima | Kristie Marsden |
Kanzou Mogi | Shin Shimizu | John Murphy |
Lind L. Taylor | Matt Lagan | Ted Cole |
Sachiko Yagami | Michiko Godae | Saffron Henderson |
Shuuichi Aizawa | Tatsuhito Okudo | Trevor Devall |
Touta Matsuda | Sota Aoyama | Vincent Tong |
Sanami | Miyuki Komatsu | Janyse Jaud |
Hirokazu Ukita | Ikuji Nakamura | Jeremy From |
Additional Voices[]
- Louis Chirillo - Takuo Shibuimaru, Yuusuke Hibisawa
- Brian Dobson - Kiichirou Osoreda, Katsuya Seta
- Michael Donovan - Ryotaro Sakajou
- Andrew Kavadas - Matsubara
- David Kaye - Koreyoshi Kitamura
- Bill Switzer - Sasaki
- Vincent Tong - Takeshi Maruo