Cutie Honey (キューティーハニー) is a Japanese live-action film based on the Manga series created by Go Nagai and directed by Hideaki Anno. It was released in Japan on May 29, 2004 and in North America on DVD by Bandai Entertainment on April 17, 2007.
When Honey's uncle gets kidnapped by the evil criminal gang known as "Panther Claw," she must use her magical powers of transformation (fueled by love) to save him. Meanwhile the same crime group has been responsible for a number of other crime sprees across Tokyo. In the process, Honey teams up with the seemingly cold police woman Natsuko Aki and hot shot journalist Seiji Hayami as well as battle the four "claws" of the Panther Claw gang to save her uncle and the rest of the city.
For this film, Honey was voiced by Carrie Keranen rather than her current voice actress at the time, Jessica Calvello. Likely due to the Honey for this film being more youthful.