Criminal: Germany is a 2019 German-language police procedural anthology series created by Kay Smith and Jim Field Smith and starring Nina Hoss and Peter Kurth. Criminal: Germany is part of an anthology series consisting of twelve episodes with three episodes each set across four countries filmed in local languages – France, Spain, Germany and the UK.
It was released on September 20, 2019 on Netflix.
Character | Original Actor | Dub Actor |
Nadine Keller | Eva Meckbach | Jess Carol |
Antje Borchert | Florence Kasumba | Sharlene Whyte |
Karl Schulz | Sylvester Groth | Chris Fairbank |
Martin Ludwig | Christian Kuchenbuch | Rupert Holiday-Evans |
Stefan Proska | Jonathan Berlin | Steven France |
Claudia Hartman | Nina Hoss | Jane Collingwood |
Jochen Muller | Peter Kurth | Nigel Greaves |
Can Yussef | Christian Berkel | Kris Milnes |
Transmission via Streaming[]
Company | Date | Category | Format | Classification | Country | |
September 20, 2019 | Netflix Original Series | Digital | 16+ | United States |
External Links[]
- Criminal: Germany at the Internet Movie Database