Corneil & Bernie (Corneil et Bernie), also known as Watch My Chops!, is a French animated series about an intelligent talking dog, Corneil, and his "dog-sitter", Bernie Barges. The series was produced, written, and animated in France, Ukraine in season 1, Hong Kong and China in season 2. The series was produced by Millimages and aired from 2003 to 2007 on France 3 of December 2003. In 2014, the show came back to television and new episodes were done in Flash animation.
Corneil, a young, refined and rather sophisticated pet dog, has only one wish: to live the comfortable, quiet life of a pampered pooch. His life is turned upside down, however, when his owners take on the hapless Bernie to look after him.
In the UK, the series is retitled Watch My Chops!, named after Corneil's catchphrase. In Australia and the United States, the series is known by its original title.
The 2014 revival, despite being dubbed in English, has yet to be aired in the UK, US, and other countries. The English dub has only aired in Australia.