Dubbing Wikia

CookieRun: Kingdom (쿠키런: 킹덤; Kukireon: Kingdeom) is a free-to-play mobile game developed by Studio Kingdom and published by Devsisters. The game was released worldwide on January 21, 2021 for iOS and Android devices, and in 2022 for PC via Google Play Games.

English voice-over was added in the version 2.2.001 update on October 8, 2021.


CookieRun: Kingdom tells the story of Cookies who create a Kingdom of their own to call home. Throughout their adventures, they explore other ancient Kingdoms, battle fierce Cake Monsters, and unravel the mysteries of the Ancient Heroes who disappeared from the world.


Playable Characters[]

Image Character Original Actor Dub Actor
Common Cookies
CRK GingerBrave GingerBrave Yang Jeong-hwa Jeremy Shada
CRK StrawberryCookie Strawberry Cookie Yun Mi-na Anairis Quiñones
CRK NinjaCookie Ninja Cookie Kim Hye-sung Stephen Fu
CRK AngelCookie Angel Cookie Cho Kyung-yi Erika Ishii
CRK MuscleCookie Muscle Cookie Si Young-jun Jimmy Chau
CRK WizardCookie Wizard Cookie Lee Hyun-jin Kyle McCarley
CRK BeetCookie Beet Cookie Kwak Kyu-mi Elysia Rotaru
Rare Cookies
CRK KnightCookie Knight Cookie Choi Seung-hun Daniel Amerman
CRK PrincessCookie Princess Cookie Kim Chae-ha Eden Riegel
CRK CherryCookie Cherry Cookie Kang Eun-ae Kiera Please
CRK AlchemistCookie Alchemist Cookie Kim Seon-hye Jeannie Tirado
CRK AdventurerCookie Adventurer Cookie Choi Jae-ho Chris Parson
CRK BlackberryCookie Blackberry Cookie Jung Hye-won Michelle Phan
CRK GumballCookie Gumball Cookie So Yeon Caylus Cunningham
CRK OnionCookie Onion Cookie Jang Mi Lily Ki
CRK PancakeCookie Pancake Cookie Yeo Min-jeong Alex Einstein
CRK AvocadoCookie Avocado Cookie Lee Seon-ju Courtenay Taylor
CRK CarrotCookie Carrot Cookie Son Seon-young Rosanna Pansino
CRK CloverCookie Clover Cookie Kim Myeong-jun Lucien Dodge
CRK CustardCookieIII Custard Cookie III Lee Jam-yeong Jaimie Kelton
CRK DevilCookie Devil Cookie Kim Seo-yeong Aleks Le
Special Cookies
CRK SnapdragonCookie
CRK SnapdragonCookie DragonForm
Snapdragon Cookie Kang Sae-bom Lana McKissack
CRK IcicleYetiCookie
CRK IcicleYetiCookie YetiForm
Icicle Yeti Cookie Kim Ye-ryeong Greg Vinciguerra
CRK CreamFerretCookie
CRK CreamFerretCookie FerretForm
Cream Ferret Cookie Lee Ju-eun Kaitlyn Robrock
Epic Cookies
CRK SnowSugarCookie Snow Sugar Cookie Yun Ah-yeong Analesa Fisher
CRK VampireCookie
CRK VampireCookie BatForm
Vampire Cookie Jeong Jae-heon Jason Kaye
CRK TigerLilyCookie Tiger Lily Cookie Lee Kye-yun Stephanie Sheh
CRK WerewolfCookie
CRK WerewolfCookie WerewolfForm
Werewolf Cookie Jeong Ju-won Desmond Chiam
Michael Schwalbe
("Teary Blues")
CRK MintChocoCookie Mint Choco Cookie Ryu Seung-gon Zeno Robinson
CRK HerbCookie Herb Cookie Sim Kyu-hyuk Khoi Dao
CRK DarkChocoCookie Dark Choco Cookie Choi Won-hyeong
Isaac Robinson-Smith
Kwon Sung-hyuk
CRK SparklingCookie Sparkling Cookie Kim Young-sun Xander Mobus
CRK ChiliPepperCookie Chili Pepper Cookie Yun Eun-seo Kimberly Brooks
CRK PomegranateCookie Pomegranate Cookie Bae Jeong-mi Victoria Grace
CRK PurpleYamCookie Purple Yam Cookie Min Seung-woo Sean Chiplock
CRK MilkCookie Milk Cookie Shin Yong-woo Daman Mills
CRK PoisonMushroomCookie Poison Mushroom Cookie Kim Yul A.J. Beckles
CRK LicoriceCookie Licorice Cookie Um Sang-hyun Cameron Bowen
CRK MadeleineCookie Madeleine Cookie Nam Doh-hyeong YongYea
CRK EspressoCookie Espresso Cookie Park Yo-han Zach Aguilar
CRK RyeCookie Rye Cookie Kim Na-yul Amber Lee Connors
CRK KumihoCookie
CRK KumihoCookie FoxForm
Kumiho Cookie Lee Myeong-ho Kimlinh Tran
CRK CreamPuffCookie
CRK CreamPuffCookie Newbie
Cream Puff Cookie Lee Da-eun Cassandra Lee Morris
CRK LatteCookie Latte Cookie Kang Si-hyeong Vivian Lamolli
CRK AlmondCookie Almond Cookie Sung Wan-kyung Ray Chase
CRK BlackRaisinCookie Black Raisin Cookie Kim Bo-na Tiana Camacho
CRK StrawberryCrepeCookie Strawberry Crepe Cookie Lee Ji-hyeon Valeria Rodriguez
CRK FigCookie Fig Cookie Kim Yun-chae Giselle Fernandez
CRK PastryCookie Pastry Cookie Woo Jeong-shin Colleen O'Shaughnessey
CRK RedVelvetCookie
CRK RedVelvetCookie Young
Red Velvet Cookie Pyo Yeong-jae Max Mittelman
Yun Mi-na
CRK MangoCookie Mango Cookie Jeong Yoo-mi Christian Banas
CRK LilacCookie Lilac Cookie Lee Sang-ho Behzad Dabu
CRK SquidInkCookie Squid Ink Cookie Jang Min-ji Courtney Lin
CRK SorbetSharkCookie
CRK SorbetSharkCookie SharkForm
Sorbet Shark Cookie Lee Sae-byeok Arianna Ratner
CRK ParfaitCookie
CRK ParfaitCookie Newbie
Parfait Cookie Park Ji-yun Amanda Lee
CRK RaspberryCookie Raspberry Cookie Lee Ji-young Christina Kirkman
CRK MoonRabbitCookie
CRK MoonRabbitCookie RabbitForm
Moon Rabbit Cookie Yu Yeong Cristina Pucelli
CRK TwizzlyGummyCookie Twizzly Gummy Cookie Lee Myung-hee Dawn M. Bennett
CRK MalaSauceCookie Mala Sauce Cookie Cho Hyun-jung Caitlyn Elizabeth
CRK PumpkinPieCookie Pumpkin Pie Cookie Kim Ga-ryung Suzie Yeung
CRK CottonCookie
CRK CottonCookie Old
Cotton Cookie Han Shin-jeong Cherami Leigh
CRK CocoaCookie Cocoa Cookie Park Shin-hee Kody Kavitha
CRK EclairCookie Eclair Cookie Seok Seung-hun Zeno Robinson
CRK TeaKnightCookie Tea Knight Cookie Choi Han Jason Marnocha
CRK AffogatoCookie Affogato Cookie Kim Hyun-wook Conrad Haynes
CRK CaramelArrowCookie Caramel Arrow Cookie Park Ri-na Dani Chambers
CRK CherryBlossomCookie Cherry Blossom Cookie Kim Ha-ru Sarah Wiedenheft
CRK WildberryCookie Wildberry Cookie Han Bok-hyun Kamran Nikhad
CRK CrunchyChipCookie Crunchy Chip Cookie Kwon Chang-wook Justice Washington
CRK FinancierCookie Financier Cookie Sa Mun-yeong Marissa Lenti
CRK CreamUnicornCookie Cream Unicorn Cookie Lee Kyeong-tae Joshua David King
CRK CaptainCaviarCookie Captain Caviar Cookie Kim Dong-hyun Dave Fennoy
CRK CandyDiverCookie Candy Diver Cookie N/A
CRK ChocoWerehoundBrute
CRK ChocoWerehoundPrincess
Schwarzwälder /
Choco Werehound Brute
Park Yo-han Kellen Goff
CRK MacaronCookie Macaron Cookie Yeo Yun-mi Paula Rhodes
CRK CarolCookie Carol Cookie Sung Ye-won Bailey Stender
CRK PineconeCookie Pinecone Cookie Kim Ah-rong Mara Junot
CRK ProphetCookie Prophet Cookie Han Man-joong Gideon Emery
CRK MilkyWayCookie Milky Way Cookie Park Si-yoon Della Saba
CRK BlueberryPieCookie Blueberry Pie Cookie Gabin Burgandi Trejo Phoenix
CRK SpaceDoughnut Space Doughnut Kim Chae-rin
CRK PruneJuiceCookie Prune Juice Cookie Kim Min-ju Kenny Yates
CRK KouignAmannCookie Kouign-Amann Cookie Bang Si-u Ariana Molkara
CRK RoyalMargarineCookie Royal Margarine Cookie Hong Seung-hyo Peyton Crim
CRK TarteTatinCookie Tarte Tatin Cookie Lee So-yeong Kat Cressida
CRK RockstarCookie Rockstar Cookie Lee Ju-seung Michael Schwalbe
CRK BlackLemonadeCookie Black Lemonade Cookie Kim Do-yeong Jenny Yokobori
CRK PeppermintCookie Peppermint Cookie Mun Yu-jeong Emily Hinkler
CRK FrilledJellyfishCookie Frilled Jellyfish Cookie Lee Bo-hee Jessie Gill
CRK BurntCheeseCookie Burnt Cheese Cookie Park Min-gi Ryan Colt Levy
CRK FettuccineCookie Fettuccine Cookie Ryu Ji-a Nadia Hamzeh
CRK MozzarellaCookie Mozzarella Cookie Jeon Young-soo Christina Costello
CRK OliveCookie Olive Cookie Kim Bo-yeong Negin Farsad
CRK LinzerCookie Linzer Cookie I-seul Dawn M. Bennett
CRK CremeBruleeCookie Crème Brûlée Cookie Kim Jin-hong Alex Bankier
CRK RebelCookie Rebel Cookie Kim Ju-ho Edward Hong
CRK SilverbellCookie Silverbell Cookie Seo Da-hye McKenzie Atwood
CRK MercurialKnightCookie Mercurial Knight Cookie Jang Seo-hwa Chester Rushing
CRK MatchaCookie Matcha Cookie Cha Yeong-hui Triya Leong
CRK ButterRollCookie Butter Roll Cookie Kim Jong-yup Kieran Regan
CRK CaramelChouxCookie Caramel Choux Cookie Yu Hye-ji Madeline Dorroh
CRK StreetUrchinCookie Street Urchin Cookie Bi Ju-eon Heather Gonzalez
CRK CloudHaetaeCookie Cloud Haetae Cookie Park Yi-seo Rachelle Heger
CRK PeachBlossomCookie Peach Blossom Cookie Yu Son-il Charlie Thurston
CRK StarCoralCookie Star Coral Cookie Lee Eun-jo Miranda Parkin
CRK NutmegTigerCookie Nutmeg Tiger Cookie Lee Serena Shara Kirby
CRK SmokedCheeseCookie Smoked Cheese Cookie Kim Da-ol Alejandro Saab
Super Epic Cookies
CRK ClottedCreamCookie Clotted Cream Cookie Kim Ji-yul Aaron Dismuke
CRK OysterCookie Oyster Cookie Lee Seon Ellen-Ray Hennessy
CRK SherbetCookie Playable
CRK SherbetCookie
Sherbet Cookie Ji Mi-ae Bryson Baugus
CRK StardustCookie
CRK StardustCookie Boss
Stardust Cookie Kang Ho-chul Robbie Daymond
CRK CapsaicinCookie Capsaicin Cookie Im Chae-bin Adam Gold
CRK ShiningGlitterCookie Shining Glitter Cookie Lee Yong-shin Grace Lu
CRK CrimsonCoralCookie Crimson Coral Cookie Kim Hyeon-sim Megan Hensley
CRK ElderFaerieCookie Elder Faerie Cookie Song Jun-seok Zeke Alton
Legendary Cookies
CRK SeaFairyCookie Sea Fairy Cookie Mun Seon-hui Laura Post
CRK FrostQueenCookie
CRK FrostCookie
Frost Queen Cookie / Frost Cookie Jeon Suk-kyung Cristina Vee
CRK BlackPearlCookie
CRK WhitePearlCookie
Black Pearl Cookie / White Pearl Cookie Bang Yeon-ji Erica Mendez
CRK MoonlightCookie Moonlight Cookie Park Seon-yeong G.K. Bowes
CRK StormbringerCookie
CRK StormbringerCookie Supercharged
Stormbringer Cookie Jung Yoo-jung Monique Shi
CRK WindArcherCookie Wind Archer Cookie Son Su-ho Kellen Goff
CRK FireSpiritCookie Fire Spirit Cookie Park Seong-tae Austin Lee Matthews
CRK MillennialTreeCookie Millennial Tree Cookie Ahn Hyo-min Keith Silverstein
CRK DarkEnchantressCookie Dark Enchantress Cookie Nam Yu-jeong Patty McCormack
Dragon Cookies
CRK PitayaDragonCookie
CRK PitayaDragonCookie DragonForm
Pitaya Dragon Cookie Yang Seok-yeong Andrew Morgado
Ancient Cookies
CRK PureVanillaCookie Pure Vanilla Cookie Kim Yea-rim Yuri Lowenthal
CRK HollyberryCookie Hollyberry Cookie Yi Sae-a Elizabeth Maxwell
CRK DarkCacaoCookie
CRK DarkCacaoCookie Awakened
Dark Cacao Cookie Jeong Seung-wuk Patrick Seitz
CRK GoldenCheeseCookie
CRK GoldenCheeseCookie Awakened
Golden Cheese Cookie Kim Yeon-woo Pilar Uribe
CRK WhiteLilyCookie White Lily Cookie Song Ha-rim Erica Mendez
Beast Cookies
CRK MysticFlourCookie Mystic Flour Cookie Seo Hye-jeong Jessica Pennington
CRK BurningSpiceCookie Burning Spice Cookie Min Eung-sik Erik Braa
CRK ShadowMilkCookie Shadow Milk Cookie Kang Soo-jin CJ Pawlikowski
CRK EternalSugarCookie Eternal Sugar Cookie ? ?
CRK SilentSaltCookie Silent Salt Cookie ? ?
Guest Cookies
CRK AquamarineCookie Aquamarine Cookie Chae Rim Kirsten Day
CRK GoldCitrineCookie Gold Citrine Cookie Won Esther Ariana Nicole George
CRK MysticOpalCookie Mystic Opal Cookie Heo Yea-eun Ally Dixon
CRWC WitchberryCookie Witchberry Cookie Lee Myung-hee Cassandra Lee Morris
CRK TwistedDonutCookie Twisted Donut Cookie Lee Bo-yong
CRK YoungKulfi Young Kulfi Kim Bo-min Marissa Lenti
CRK MyCookie MyCookie ? (Apple) ? (Apple)
? (Grape) ? (Grape)
? (Lemon) ? (Lemon)
? (Orange) ? (Orange)
? (Soda) ? (Soda)
? (Yogurt) ? (Yogurt)
? (Tea) ? (Tea)
? (Coffee) ? (Coffee)

Other Characters[]

Image Character Original Actor Dub Actor
CRK SugarGnome Sugar Gnome Sung Ye-won Sean Chiplock
Cameron Bowen
(World of Magic & Dreams)
CRK TimidSugarGnome Timid Sugar Gnome ? Kellen Goff
CRK WorriedSugarGnome Worried Sugar Gnome ? Cameron Bowen
CRK MaestroSugarGnome Maestro Sugar Gnome Choi Won-hyeong ?
CRK CakeHound Cake Hound ? Desmond Chiam
CRK BatCat Bat-Cat Yun Mi-na Austin Lee Matthews
CRK JellyWormy Jelly Wormy Song Ha-rim ?
CRK Esterhazy Esterházy Seo Ban-seok ?
CRK JungleberryCookie Jungleberry Cookie Sa Mun-yeong Cristina Pucelli
CRK RoyalBerryCookie Royal Berry Cookie Jung Ui-han Andrew Morgado
CRK FerrymanCookie Ferryman Cookie Park Yo-han Austin Lee Matthews
CRK RaspberryMousseCookie Raspberry Mousse Cookie Kim Daol ?
CRK RoyalGardener Royal Gardener Kang Sae-bom ?
CRK HostCookie Host Cookie
(Hollyberry Kingdom)
Um Sang-hyun ?
CRK GatekeeperCookie Gatekeeper Cookie Yuri Lowenthal
CRK SecondWatcher Second Watcher ? ?
CRK AuroraCandyCookie
CRK AuroraCandyCookie Boss
Aurora Candy Cookie ? Max Mittelman
CRK SugarGlassCookie Sugar Glass Cookie Shin Na-ri Dani Chambers
CRK Shelly Shelly Lee Dal-rae ?
CRK GCKHostCookie Host Cookie
(Golden Cheese Kingdom)
Kim Hwon ?
CRK HighPriestCheesenbird High Priest Cheesenbird Kim Hwon ?
CRK CarameleonCookie
CRK CarameleonCookie ChameleonForm
Carameleon Cookie Son Jung-min Paul Castro Jr.
Special Episodes
CRK CustardCookie Custard Cookie Kwon Chang-wuk Yuri Lowenthal
CRK VanillaSugarCookie Vanilla Sugar Cookie Kim Bo-na Tiana Camacho
CRK MulledJuiceCookie Mulled Juice Cookie Han Man-jung Zach Aguilar
CRK BaumkuchenCookie Baumkuchen Cookie Seo Ban-seok Patrick Seitz
CRK MillefeuilleCookie Mille-feuille Cookie Gabin Elizabeth Maxwell
CRK CaneleCookie Canelé Cookie Chae Ji-hee Dawn M. Bennett
CRK SableCookie Sablé Cookie Kim Ah-rong Analesa Fisher
CRK ShackaRocka Shacka Rocka Jeong Ju-won Jason Marnocha
CRK BassistCookie Bassist Cookie Jung Ui-han Kellen Goff
CRK GnomeBand Gnome Band ? ?
CRK AbaloneCookie Abalone Cookie Yun Yong-sik Austen Moret
CRK LordOyster Lord Oyster Lee Woo-ri Griffin Burns
CRK SnowflakeCookie Snowflake Cookie Gabin Cherami Leigh
CRK SnowKing Snow King ? ?
Special Records
CRK InstituteStudent Institute Student Lee Eun-jo Zach Aguilar
CRK Bookseller Bookseller Min Seung-woo ?
CRK CapriciousWizard Capricious Wizard Kim Seon-hye Daman Mills
CRK StrictProfessor Strict Professor Kim Yul Laura Post
CRK ReverendMotherCookie Reverend Mother Cookie Bi Ju-eon ?
CRK ShadowSisterCookie Shadow Sister Cookie Kim Ah-rong Victoria Grace
CRK StinkEyeTortuca Stink-Eye Tortuca Kim Young-sun Kellen Goff
CRK YogurtCreamCookie Yogurt Cream Cookie Jang Seo-hwa ?
CRK Watermelonian Watermelonian Lee Sang-ho Victoria Grace
CRK WildStrawberryCookie Wild Strawberry Cookie Yun Mi-na Anairis Quiñones
CRK PeeledCarrotCookie Peeled Carrot Cookie Son Seon-young Rosanna Pansino
CRK ToothpasteCookie Toothpaste Cookie Ryu Seung-gon Zeno Robinson
CRK HalfAvocadoCookie Half-Avocado Cookie Lee Seon-ju Courtenay Taylor
CRK CroissantCookie Croissant Cookie Yeo Min-jeong ?
CRK MontBlancCookie Mont Blanc Cookie Son Seon-young ?
CRK SnowfallVillager Snowfall Villager Kim Ju-ho ?
CRK YoungSnowfallVillager Young Snowfall Villager ? ?
CRK DrEvilglaze Dr. Evilglaze Go Gu-in Kyle McCarley
CRK GelatoTrioCookie Gelato Trio Cookie Lee Sang-ho Joshua David King
CRK ScovilliaHeadmaster Scovillia Headmaster Seok Seung-hun Jason Marnocha
CRK RoyalBearJelly Royal Bear Jelly ? Kellen Goff
CRK TrainAttendantCookie Train Attendant Cookie ? Dawn M. Bennett
CRK OldJolly Old Jolly ?
CRK MacaroniCookie Macaroni Cookie Jeong Eui-taek Christopher Bencomo
CRK CheddarCheeseCookie Cheddar Cheese Cookie Lee Min-gyu Joe Sanfelippo
CRK NougatCookie Nougat Cookie Park Yi-seo Dani Chambers
CRK GranolaCookie Granola Cookie Cha Yeong-hui
CRK SugarCoatCookie Sugar Coat Cookie Im Chae-bin Yuri Lowenthal
CRK HeadmasterJellizard Headmaster Jellizard ? ?
CRK MayorCuckoobeans Mayor Cuckoobeans ? ?

Crossover Characters[]

Image Character Original Actor Dub Actor
Sonic the Hedgehog
CRK SonicCookie Sonic Cookie Roger Craig Smith
CRK TailsCookie Tails Cookie Colleen O'Shaughnessey
Kate Higgins
CRK MickeyMouseCookie Mickey Mouse Cookie Nam Doh-hyeong Bret Iwan
CRK MinnieMouseCookie Minnie Mouse Cookie Ahn Soi Kaitlyn Robrock
CRK DaisyDuckCookie Daisy Duck Cookie Lina Choi Tress MacNeille
CRK DonaldDuckCookie Donald Duck Cookie Kim Hwan-jin Tony Anselmo
CRK GoofyCookie Goofy Cookie Hong Bum-ki Bill Farmer
CRK AliceCookie Alice Cookie Cho Kyung-yi Hynden Walch
CRK LiloCookie Lilo Cookie Seol Ga-eun Micah Aliling
CRK StitchCookie Stitch Cookie Kim Hwan-jin Chris Sanders
CRK PeterPanCookie Peter Pan Cookie Nam Doh-hyeong Blayne Weaver
CRK TinkerBellCookie Tinker Bell Cookie N/A
CRK AladdinCookie Aladdin Cookie Sim Kyu-hyuk Scott Weinger
CRK JasmineCookie Jasmine Cookie Sa Mun-yeong Linda Larkin
CRK BelleCookie Belle Cookie Kim Seo-yeong Julie Nathanson
CRK BeastCookie Beast Cookie Hwang Man-ik Robby Benson
CRK CinderellaCookie Cinderella Cookie Kim Bo-na Jennifer Hale
CRK MulanCookie Mulan Cookie Kim Yul Ming-Na Wen
CRK PocahontasCookie Pocahontas Cookie Ahn Soi Irene Bedard
CRK PrincessAuroraCookie Princess Aurora Cookie Lee Ji-hyeon Kate Higgins
CRK SnowWhiteCookie Snow White Cookie Yi Sae-a Katherine Von Till
CRK ArielCookie Ariel Cookie Lee Jae-hyun Jodi Benson
CRK RMCookie RM Cookie RM
CRK JinCookie Jin Cookie Jin
CRK jhopeCookie j-hope Cookie j-hope
CRK JiminCookie Jimin Cookie Jimin
CRK VCookie V Cookie V
CRK JungKookCookie Jung Kook Cookie Jung Kook

Additional Voices[]



Behind the Scenes[]


  • Jimmy Chau's dialogue as Muscle Cookie was recorded in Canada.
  • Blackberry Cookie and Carrot Cookie's English voice actors were not credited in-game, despite being credited in official social media posts.
  • Sonic Cookie and Tails Cookie's English voice lines are recycled from various Sonic the Hedgehog video games. The same clips are also used in other voice-over languages, except for Japanese, in which they have their own Japanese voice lines.
  • The Disney cookies' voice lines, along with dialogue from the "World of Magic & Dreams" story, are set to English in the French, German, Taiwanese Mandarin and Thai voice-over versions of the game.
  • Witchberry Cookie's voice lines are set to English in the Japanese, Taiwanese Mandarin and Thai voice-over versions of the game, due to CookieRun: Witch's Castle not having the aforementioned voice-over versions at the time. However, in the French and German voice-over versions of the game, she doesn't speak at all.
  • Twisted Donut Cookie only grunts and laughs in the English, Japanese, Taiwanese Mandarin and Thai voice-over versions of the game, due to CookieRun: Tower of Adventures not having the aforementioned voice-over versions at the time. However, in the French and German voice-over versions of the game, he doesn't speak at all.
  • The BTS cookies and Space Doughnut's voice lines are left undubbed in voice-over languages other than Korean.
  • While Werewolf Cookie is usually voiced by Desmond Chiam, his singing voice in the "Summer Soda Rock Festa" story was provided by Michael Schwalbe.

External Links[]

vdeCookie Run series logo

CookieRun: OvenBreakCookieRun: KingdomCookieRun: Witch's Castle


Happy Holidays and a Crispy New Year with Cookies!


GingerBraveGingerBrightStrawberry CookieAngel CookieMuscle CookieWizard CookieCherry CookieCocoa CookieSparkling CookiePoison Mushroom CookieMadeleine CookieWitchberry Cookie

External Links