Children of the Sea is a 2019 Japanese animated film directed by Ayumu Watanabe and produced by Eiko Tanaka, with animation production by Studio 4 °C. It is based on the manga of the same title by Daisuke Igarashi, who also wrote the film's screenplay. It is Watanabe's first theatrically released film since Space Brothers #0 in 2014, and the first animated film adaptation of an Igarashi manga. Set by and in the ocean and themed on the mysteries of life, it depicts the connections between humanity and nature. It was released in Japan on June 7, 2019. Though it was originally planned to have a theatrical release In April 2020, it was postponed to a later date and then eventually cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic with the film being released straight to home media and digital on September 1st 2020.
Character | Seiyū | Dub Actor |
Ruka Azumi | Mana Ashida | Anjali Gauld |
Umi | Hiiro Ishibashi | Lynden Prosser |
Sora | Seishū Uragami | Benajmin Niewood |
Anglade | Win Morisaki | Beau Bridgland |
Masaaki Azumi | Goro Inagaki | Marc Thompson |
Kanako Azumi | Yu Aoi | Karen Strassman |
Sensei | Tohru Watanabe | Wally Wingert |
Jim Cusack | Min Tanaka | Michael Sorich |
Dede | Sumiko Fuji | Denise Lee |
Jean | ¿? | Josh Petersdorf |
Fuyuko | ¿? | Christine Marie Cabanos |
Aki | ¿? | Zoe Semler |
Natsumi | ¿? | Courtney Shaw |
Military Officer | ¿? | Doug Erholtz |
Investor | ¿? | Kirk Thornton |
Doctor | ¿? | Wally Wingert |
Students | ¿? | Christine Marie Cabanos Carrie Keranen Zoe Semler Courtney Shaw Rachel Slotky Karen Strassman |
Additional Voices[]
- Christine Marie Cabanos
- Chelsey Cohen
- Doug Erholtz
- Carrie Keranen
- Josh Petersdorf
- Zoe Semler
- Courtney Shaw
- Rachel Slotky
- Michael Sorich
- Marc Thompson
- Kirk Thornton
- Wally Wingert
External Links[]
- Children of the Sea at the Internet Movie Database
- Children of the Sea (anime) at Anime News Network's encyclopedia