Chainsaw Man is a 2022 anime series directed by Ryū Nakayama, animated by MAPPA and based on the manga series written and illustrated by Tatsuki Fujimoto. It premiered on October 12, 2022 with the English dub premiering on October 25, 2022.
Denji is a destitute young man who lives in a world filled with bloodthirsty monsters called Devils. One day, he befriends Pochita, who is a Devil dog-thing that is also a literal chainsaw. If that wasn't already a weird, things take a real turn when Denji is murdered by gangsters, and Pochita fuses with his soul to save his life. This turns the perpetually hungry and horny Denji into the titular Chainsaw Man, who ends up hunting other Devils for the enigmatic Makima, a woman who works for a governmental bureau of Devil Hunters, and strings Denji along with vague promises of sex and fortune, even as she treats him as little more than a dog himself.
Los Angeles-based voice actors, Ryan Colt Levy, Suzie Yeung, Emi Lo, Jason Marnocha, Landon McDonald, Chris Cason, and Casey Mongillo made guest appearances here. Houston-based voice actors, Bryson Baugus, Adam Gibbs, and Christina Kelly also made guest appearances here