Dubbing Wikia

Bunny Maloney is a French animated television series created by Studio Tanuki and directed by Stéphane Stoll. The series is produced by MoonScoop Group, in co-production with France 2 and Telegael. It was based on an adult animated pilot called The Attack of the Giant Red Octopus (French: Pinpin le Lapin: L'attaque de rouge geant). The series chronicles the adventures of a pink anthropomorphic rabbit named Bunny Maloney and his friends. The series was canceled after one season, due to low ratings and highly negative criticism over the show's inappropriate themes.


Chronicles the adventures of a pink anthropomorphic rabbit named Bunny Maloney and his friends.


Image Character Original Actor Dub Actor
Unknown character image dubbwiki Bunny Maloney Martial Le Minoux Matt Wilkinson
Unknown character image dubbwiki Candy Bunny Élisabeth Ventura Jules de Jongh
Unknown character image dubbwiki Professor Débilouman Marc Duquesnoy Walter Lewis
Unknown character image dubbwiki Louis Picollin
Unknown character image dubbwiki Charlotte Corinne Martin Phillipa Alexander
Unknown character image dubbwiki Stan Ookie Laurent Pasquier Keith Wickham
Unknown character image dubbwiki Modchi Vincent Violette
Unknown character image dubbwiki Noacak François Jérosme

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