Bunny Maloney is a French animated television series created by Studio Tanuki and directed by Stéphane Stoll. The series is produced by MoonScoop Group, in co-production with France 2 and Telegael. It was based on an adult animated pilot called The Attack of the Giant Red Octopus (French: Pinpin le Lapin: L'attaque de rouge geant). The series chronicles the adventures of a pink anthropomorphic rabbit named Bunny Maloney and his friends. The series was canceled after one season, due to low ratings and highly negative criticism over the show's inappropriate themes.
Image | Character | Original Actor | Dub Actor |
Bunny Maloney | Martial Le Minoux | Matt Wilkinson | |
Candy Bunny | Élisabeth Ventura | Jules de Jongh | |
Professor Débilouman | Marc Duquesnoy | Walter Lewis | |
Louis Picollin | |||
Charlotte | Corinne Martin | Phillipa Alexander | |
Stan Ookie | Laurent Pasquier | Keith Wickham | |
Modchi | Vincent Violette | ||
Noacak | François Jérosme |
Additional Voices[]
External Links[]
- Bunny Maloney at the Internet Movie Database