Blue Exorcist: Kyoto Saga is the follow-up to the Blue Exorcist anime series, which is based on the manga series by Kazue Kato. The series originally aired in Japan between January 7, 2017 and March 25, 2017, consisting of 12 episodes with an extra episode released on April 4, 2017. The series aired in North America on Hulu on September 1, 2017.
Assiah, the realm of humans, and Gehenna, the realm of demons. Normally, these two dimensions would never intersect, but having possessed all material substances, the demons are now intruding on the material world. But among the human race, there are those who can confront such demons - the Exorcists. Born the spawn of Satan, Rin Okumura decides to hide his origins, and become an exorcist. He enrolls at the Exorcism Cram School, a training institute for exorcists located on the True Cross Academy grounds. But, his cover is blown during an attack by Amaimon, the King of Earth, and he is revealed to be the son of Satan. Terrified of Satan’s blue flames, his friends start to distance themselves from Rin… It is then that someone steals the Left Eye of the Impure King, sealed away in the deepest part of the academy, and Rin and the others find themselves embroiled in an unexpected crisis…
Unlike the first series which was a non-union dub production, Kyoto Saga is a Unionized dub production due to the presence of Kari Wahlgren and Jessica DiCicco.
Just like their Japanese counterparts both of Renzo Shima’s brothers had different voice actors from the film:
Xander Mobus replaced Ray Chase as Juzo Shima, likely due to Chase now voicing Saburota Todo.
Benjamin Diskin replaced Bryce Papenbrook as Kinzo Shima, very likely due to Papenbrook already voicing the main title character, Rin Okumura.