Black Cat (ブラックキャット Burakku Kyatto) is an anime based on the Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Kentaro Yabuki. It consists of 24 episodes and was produced by Gonzo studio, which aired on TBS in Japan from October 6, 2005 to March 30, 2006.
The series was distributed and dubbed in the United States by FUNimation Entertainment in 2006. The series was then released across six Region 1 DVD volumes released between December 19, 2006 and July 24, 2007.
An organization called Chronos rules in the shadows to much of the politicians and economic activities, they oppose them. The story begins when Train, known as Black Cat, one of the organization's most powerful assassins, meets a strange woman named Saya Minatsuki, who always wears a flashy kimono and softens her heart. So he decides not to take orders from anyone again or kill for no reason. Saya is killed by Creed, who calls her a witch, well-rewards together with him and Eve the girl he cares for, a mysterious girl with supernatural powers based on Nanotechnology and artificially created by Dr. Tearju Lunatique.
Later, Train learns that Creed is forming an alliance known as "The Apostles to the Stars", whose goal is to destroy Chronos and create a new world order. At that moment Train decides to go after Creed as a bounty hunter to avenge the death of his friend Saya.