Baby Follies (Baby Folies) is a 1993 animated series created by Claude Prothée and Serge Rosenzweig. An English version produced in France was shown in the UK and Ireland in the mid-90s.
- Steve Gadler
- David Gasman
- Gay Marshall
- Barbara Weber-Scaff
- Allan Wenger
- The Pacifier of Fortune
- Election Day in Baby City
- The Teddy Bear Connection
- Concerto for Piano and Duck
- Baby Sigmund, Boy Genius
- Love in Baby Land
- Watering the Wawa
- The Christmas Revolution
- A Monster in Baby City
- Baby Diogenes: The Return
- The Baby City Baby World Cup
- Baby Talent Search
- The Christmas Plot
- The Genius and His Giant Mud Pies
- Baby Bogey Blues
- The Curse of the Green Demon
External Links[]
- Baby Follies at the Internet Movie Database