BNA: Brand New Animal (BNA ビー・エヌ・エー BNA Bī Enu Ē), or simply known as BNA by Netflix internationally, is an original Japanese anime television series produced by Studio Trigger. Licensed by Netflix and directed by Yoh Yoshinari, the 12-episode first season aired its first six episodes on Netflix in Japan in March 2020, followed by the remaining six in May of the same year. The series also aired on Fuji TV's +Ultra anime programming block from April to June 2020.
Set in a world where there are humanoid animals known as Beastman, the series follows Michiru Kagemori, a normal human who one day suddenly turns into a Japanese Beastman raccoon. On the run, she seeks refuge in Anima City, a place established for beastmen to live as themselves, and encounters a Beastman wolf named Shirou Ogami. Together, they investigate why Michiru turned into a beast, mingling in even stranger events in the process.