Arc the Lad is an anime based on the video game franchise released for Playstation and Playstation 2. The anime adaptation was produced by Bee Train and directed by Itsuro Kawasaki. The series ran on Japan's WOWOW satellite network for 26 episodes from April 5, 1999, to October 11, 1999 as part of the Anime Complex omnibus series. A North American release was produced by ADV Films and aired on the Anime Network.
Additional Voices[]
- Barbara Goodson
- Brianne Siddall
- Bridget Hoffman - Iris (ep. 18)
- Eric P. Sherman - Commander (ep. 23), Man A (ep. 3), Scientist C (ep. 8)
- Bob Papenbrook
- Brianne Siddall - Kids (ep. 3)
- Daniel Woren - Cougar (ep. 1)
- Derek Stephen Prince
- Dorothy Elias-Fahn
- Doug Stone - Guard A (ep. 1), Ambassador (ep. 20), Demitas (ep. 18), George (ep. 20), Soldiers (ep. 22)
- Francis Cherry - Guard (ep. 12), Man B (ep. 3), Radar Operator (ep. 23)
- Peter Lurie - Alfred (ep. 1), Hunter C (ep. 4)
- Peter Spellos - Guard B (ep. 1)
- Philece Sampler - Robby (ep. 19)
- Kirk Thornton - Soldier B (ep. 8)
- Mary Elizabeth McGlynn
- Melissa Fahn
- Mona Marshall - Monkey (ep. 23)
- Steve Blum
- Wendee Lee - Kid (ep. 3), Boy (ep. 4), Boy A (ep. 18)
- Lenore Zann
- Lee Loopers - Chimera (ep. 13)
- Lex Lang - Jack (ep. 19)
- Tom Fahn - Jeweler (ep. 18)
- Terrence Stone - Gequbec (ep. 7), Hunter B (ep. 4), Monster (ep. 7), Soldier (ep. 15), Soldier A (ep. 8), Soldier A (ep. 11), Wounded Soldier (ep. 10)
Video Releases[]
Distributor | Year | Format | Content | Region | Country | |
ADV Films | 2001-2002 | The Complete Series | NTSC | United States | ||
6 Volumes | ||||||
2001-2002 | The Complete Series | 1 NTSC | ||||
6 Volumes | ||||||
2003 | The Complete Series | |||||
6 Discs | ||||||
2005 | The Complete Series | |||||
6 Discs |
External Links[]
- Arc the Lad at the Internet Movie Database
- Arc the Lad (anime) at the Anime News Network