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Angel's Friends is an Italian animated series based on the series of comics of the same name created by Simona Ferri, produced by Mondo TV, R.T.I. and Play Entertainment.


Four Angels and four Devils are sent to Earth, in an unused area of the Golden School, where they learn everything they need to become Guardian Angels and Guardian Devils. The Angels and Devils are required to form pairs as part of their education, each of which will have to deal with a human being, known as Earthly Ones, and help them choose between the right and wrong way in life without being discovered. Angels and Devils cannot operate at the same time, so they decide, clashing in the Challenge Room, who will work first.


Image Character Original Actor Dub Actor
Main Characters
Raff Raf Patrizia Mottola Liza Jacqueline
Urie Urie Bendetta Ponticelli Serra Hirsch
Miki angel's Miki Marcella Silvestri Lisa Ortiz
Sweet angel's Sweet Francesa Bielli Lisa Adams
Sulfus Sulfus Simone D'Andrea Jason Griffith
Cabiria Cabiria Maddalena Vadaca Lisa Ortiz
Kabale Kabale Emanuela Pacotto Summer Crockett Moore
Gass Gass Luca Bottale Dan Green
Secondary Characters
Arkhan Professor Arkhan Antonio Paiola Mike Pollock
Temptel Professor Temptel Paolla Della Pasqua Eva Kaminsky
Reina angel's friends Queen Reina Alessandra Karpoff Summer Crockett Moore
Malakai Maliki Diego Sabre Dan Green

Additional Voices[]


Date(s) Channel Country
2010-2011 NBC United States United States

External Links[]
