Air Gear (エア・ギア, Ea Gia) is a Japanese anime series based on the manga of the same name written and illustrated by Ito "Oh Great" Ōgure, the creator behind Tenjho Tenge. It was adapted by Toei Animation and ran from April 4 to September 26, 2006.
ADV Films originally licensed the series with an English dub, but was transferred to FUNimation Entertainment following ADV's financial problems.
A new fad by the name of "Air Treks" (a futuristic evolution of aggressive skating) has swept the nation's youth and all over gangs are being formed that compete in various events using their A-Ts. Ikki is a middle-school boy who is the toughest street-fighting punk on the east side of town and part of the gang "The East-Side Gunz". He lives with four adopted gorgeous sisters who took him in when he was a kid. But what Ikki doesn't know is that the girls are part of one of the most infamous A-T gangs, "Sleeping Forest". It does not take long before Ikki finds out about the world of Air Treks and is propelled into a fate he had not foreseen, learning about his past and making a number of storm riding allies on the way.