Air Bound, also known as Gamba: Gamba and Friends (GAMBA ガンバと仲間たち Gamba: Gamba to Nakama-tachi) in Japan, is a Japanese 3D animated film directed by Tomohiro Kawamura and Yoshihiro Komori. The film is based on the 1972 Japanese novel The Adventurers: Gamba and His Fifteen Companions by Atsuo Saitō. The film was originally released in Japan on October 10, 2015. The film was released direct-to-video in the United States on February 21, 2017.
Dubbing History[]
The film was dubbed into English twice, with the first dub being dubbed in Tokyo for International markets and produced by SC Films International. This dub was largely faithful to the original Japanese version, keeping the original character names and title. The only known availability this dub has is on the Swedish DVD and Blu-ray release.
In 2017, the film was redubbed by Bang Zoom! Entertainment utilizing a "stunt cast", featuring YouTube stars Nash Grier, Jimmy Tatro and Justine Ezarik, as well as actor Jon Lovitz. This version renames the majority of the characters to western sounding alternatives. The film was released direct-to-video on February 21, 2017.
Image | Character | Seiyū | Dub Actor | |
International | Bang Zoom! | |||
Gamba (Gavin) |
Yūki Kaji | Jack Merluzzi | Nash Grier | |
Noroi (Winston) |
Mansai Nomura | Michael Rhys | Jon Lovitz | |
Bobo | Yasuhiro Takato | Jeff Manning | Max Mittelman | |
Mampuku (Matthew) |
Wataru Takagi | Ryan Drees | Jimmy Tatro | |
Gakusha (Grayson) |
Shūichi Ikeda | Michael Rhys | Crispin Freeman | |
Yoisho (Rusty) |
Akio Ōtsuka | Walter Roberts | Imari Williams | |
Ikasama (Ace) |
Keiji Fujiwara | Eric Kelso | Ray Chase | |
Chuta (Chester) |
Akiko Yajima | Katie Adler | Michelle Ruff | |
Shioji (Shelley) |
Sayaka Kanda | Julia Yermakov | Justine Ezarik | |
Tsuburi (Theresa) |
Masako Nozawa | Katie Adler | Wendee Lee | |
Chuichi (Clarence) |
Akio Nojima | Jeff Manning | Michael McConnohie | |
Shichirou (Shiloh) |
Takashi Hikida | Ryan Drees | Kirk Thornton | |
Yoichi (Owen) |
Yukitoshi Tokumoto | Eric Kelso | Doug Erholtz |
Additional Voices[]
International Dub
Bang Zoom! Dub
- Dave Mallow’s final role before his retirement in 2017.