Dubbing Wikia

A Tale of Two Kitties (Filemon i przyjaciele) is a 1991 Polish animated film produced by Se-ma-for Studio, based on their Kot Filemon series. An English dub was produced at Ocean Productions in 1996, under the supervision of former Filmation studio head Lou Scheimer.


Character Dub Actor
Grandpa Claude French Tickner
Grandma Martha Kathleen Barr
Spunky Cathy Weseluck
Chester Scott McNeil
Aunt Lucy Janyse Jaud
Buster Scott McNeil
Professor Timmy Paul Dobson
Timmy Christopher Gray
Rooster Cathy Weseluck
Mice Cathy Weseluck
Janyse Jaud
Kathleen Barr
Paul Dobson
Scott McNeil
Telegram Delivery Man Paul Dobson
Painting Wife Kathleen Barr
Painting Husband Paul Dobson
Cuckoo Clock Bird Scott McNeil
Mustache Spider Paul Dobson
Birds Janyse Jaud
Paul Dobson
Dream Cat Paul Dobson

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