A Sign of Affection is the anime adaptation of the manga of the same name by Suu Morishita. It aired from January 6, 2024 to March 23, 2024. The series was animated by Ajia-do and directed by Yuuta Murano. Crunchyroll produced an English Dub of the anime, which premiered on January 20, 2024.
Yuki Itose is a hearing-impaired university student whose world has been shrouded with silence since birth. She has lived in the same place her whole life, and rarely interacts with others save for her best friend, Rin Fujishiro. During her commute one day, she meets the silver-haired and multilingual Itsuomi Nagi, a mutual friend of Rin. Unlike most, Itsuomi is unwavering when he learns of Yuki's impairment; this, along with his experiences abroad, fascinates and touches her. After they part, her fondness of him starts to grow. A new world begins to open for both Yuki and Itsuomi as they learn about each other's different lives (My Anime List).