A Kind of Magic (known as Magic – La Famille Féerique in France) is a French animated television series created by Michel Coulon and Marc du Pontavice, the producer of Oggy and the Cockroaches based upon Arthur de Pins's original design. It was produced by French animation company Xilam Animation with the participation of France 3 and Disney Television France in Season 1, Gulli and Canal J for Season 2. The series was directed by Charles Vaucelle for Season 1 and William Renaud for Season 2, the character designer by David Gilson and the executive producer by Marc Du Pontavice.
Image | Character | Original Actor | Dub Actor |
Tom | Sauvane Delanoë | Erin Mathews | |
Cindy | Kelly Marot | Kelly Sheridan (Season 1) | |
Lauren Lavoie (Season 2) | |||
Ferocia | Colette Noël | Pauline Newstone | |
Willow | Claire Guyot | Kelly Sheridan | |
Gregore | François Seiner (Season 1) | Trevor Devall (Season 1) | |
Jérémy Prévost (Season 2) | Jason Simpson (Season 2) |
External Links[]
- A Kind of Magic on the Internet Movie Database