A Condition Called Love is a 2024 anime series based on the manga series with the same name written and illustrated by Megumi Morino. It started serialization in Kodansha's magazine Dessert on December 22, 2017. As of April 2024, 15 volumes have been released.
The anime series was announced on June 7, 2023[1]. It was animated by East Fish Studio, directed by Tomoe Makino, composed by Yamazo, and it premiered in Japan from April 4, 2024 to June 20, 2024, consisting of 12 episodes. Crunchyroll licensed and produced an English Dub of the series, which premiered on their streaming service on April 18, 2024[2][3].
Hotaru Hinase is a first-year in high school that has a great family and wonderful friends, but not much luck when it comes to romance.
One day, she happens to see the hot boy from the class next door, Hananoi, get dumped. Seeing Hananoi standing in the middle of a park all alone, Hotaru decides to hand him an umbrella.
That little act causes Hananoi to ask her out soon after.
What does love even mean? What does it mean to be in love? Hotaru is flustered at suddenly being asked out by Hananoi, who has an endless amount of love for the person he loves and wants to do everything he can for them.
This is a story about first love between a girl who doesn't understand romantic love and a boy that may be a bit too heavy-handed when it comes to love.