A.D. Police (アドバンスドポリス Adobansudo Porisu) is a Japanese animated television series produced by AIC and set in the Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 universe. It aired in Japan between April 7, 1999 and June 30, 1999, consisting of 12 episodes. The series was released in North America by ADV Films on March 27, 2001.
The series chronicles the tales of Mega-Tokyo's special police division designed to control rogue Boomers in the city. A.D. Police Officer Kenji Sasaki faces a major dilemma: he loses another partner to a rabid boomer. A day after he's sent off-duty, he receives a new partner in the form of German cop Hans Kleif. Funny thing is that Kenji sucker-punched Hans at a bar the night before. Not only does Kenji face the everyday task of controlling Boomers, he has to learn to adjust with his new partner.